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Posts Tagged ‘Learning Retreat’

Titillate your senses at a Learning Retreat

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

images-1A pre-Christmas Learning Retreat client said her stay at Byrongerry left her with a multitude of sensory memories.images

She wrote in the Cloud House guest book about the sounds of palm nuts dropping, whip birds whipping, cat birds screeching, parrots squawking and kookaburras laughing.  As well as the sounds of Ruby the dog’s barking, Dorothy the cat’s tinkling collar bells and the water pump “paying homage to the great god of water.”

images-4Her sense of sight was stimulated by the vista of trees, palms, hills, valleys – “verde, verde everywhere!”  And her sense of touch by the massage she enjoyed.

She wrote of the fragrances of “giant gardenias, frangipanis on ancient trees and the overwhelming scent of blossom on the mimosas down the road”.images-2

And all this as well as creating her vision for the next ten years of her life with the help of AnD’s Vision Coaching process!

images-5Why don’t you think about treating your senses to a similar experience some time soon?

A Women’s Retreat

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

images-3 15-53-17I’ve just had four women on a Learning Retreat here at Byrongerry.  I was a wee bit anxious in preparing for it because I’ve only hosted individual people or couples in the past.  Would my energy hold up – in my roles of coach, chef and host??

I’m delighted to report that my energy did hold up and, at their final review over a cup of tea on the deck, each woman said their hopes had been met and that they were leaving feeling relaxed and renewed.

The women each had some coaching time with me and also attended a Self-Leadership with a Horse session with a colleague who lives nearby.  I used a combination of Leadership Coaching and Vision Coaching processes in the women’s one on one time with me. Those I’d worked with before re-visited and renewed their vision while those who were being coached by me for the first time worked on a range of issues including, for one, that old chestnut of work/life balance.images-1

I’m still pondering whether I will promote the Learning Retreat for more than singles or couples – it was a lot of work – yet, when I remember the happy conversations and laughter coming from the Cloud House building while they were in residence, I know the shared experience for these four women was one of the highlights of their stay.

Vision Coaching

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009
images-1“What is it?” a colleague asked me while I was in Sydney last week.

“Well, it’s a process my late partner Des created for me a long time ago when I was feeling stuck in my career, and it helped me work out what I wanted to be when I grew up.  And here I am over 20 years on still loving being a Leadership and Vision coach!”

Des and I then wondered whether this visioning process would be of value to some of our coaching clients and this is when AnD’s Vision Coaching service was born.

Vision Coaching takes a minimum of 6 hours and, with the help of a work book, clients are facilitated through a process that helps them get in touch with their ideal future and then set action plans and timelines to make this dream a reality.  Some clients do their visioning as an intensive during a Learning Retreat at my home inland from Byron Bay while others do it over a series of sessions in their home city.

I have facilitated dozens – maybe even hundreds – of clients through AnD’s visioning process and the feedback I get from people is that it works.  Some tell me it reassured them they were already on the right path and enabled them to take the best next steps, while for others it helped them move in a totally new direction.images

Here’s what happened for Mary Keely, former Director of HR for Pacific Brands, after she did AnD’s Vision Coaching process:
“With the appointment to this role I exceeded my original career vision because this was the HUGE role in a very large organisation that I once would not have dared stretch for.  This is what is possible, this is the power of vision!”

The power of vision!

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

I’ve just coached a long term client who told me she has resigned from what all those around her saw as her fabulous corporate role.  Between this role and her last equally big corporate role she’d explored her vision and values at a Learning Retreat at my home inland from Byron Bay.  The primary focus of her vision was to ‘enjoy the journey’.

Enjoy the journey

Over the past few months, as the scope of her role grew and she found she was being expected to do more and more tasks that didn’t play to her strengths, she told me she began dreading Monday mornings and longing for the next weekend – in contradiction to her commitment to enjoy every day.  In fact she said she’d begun to feel she was gathering “black soot on her soul”.  She made it clear to me that it wasn’t the fault of the organisation – she was just not a good fit.

Oh “the power of vision,” I proclaimed then added that it takes courage to have a vision, yet once you do it sure helps you be clear about whether you’re on the right path for you!  No more “black soot” for this woman – she’s off to Earth and moonexplore the possibilities of a portfolio career having thanked me for the clarity she got from AnD’s Vision Coaching process.

Cloud House beckons

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Learning RetreatHere we are in the middle of a long, cold winter.  You might have imagined a Learning Retreat in Cloud House as a place to be in the warmer weather.  The good news is the queen size bed has an electric blanket and the heater gets the space cosy warm in next to no time.  So, if you’re wondering whether some time out for some mid winter reflections in my beautiful region sounds like a good idea – let me know.

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