We coach leaders.

The power of vision!

I’ve just coached a long term client who told me she has resigned from what all those around her saw as her fabulous corporate role.  Between this role and her last equally big corporate role she’d explored her vision and values at a Learning Retreat at my home inland from Byron Bay.  The primary focus of her vision was to ‘enjoy the journey’.

Enjoy the journey

Over the past few months, as the scope of her role grew and she found she was being expected to do more and more tasks that didn’t play to her strengths, she told me she began dreading Monday mornings and longing for the next weekend – in contradiction to her commitment to enjoy every day.  In fact she said she’d begun to feel she was gathering “black soot on her soul”.  She made it clear to me that it wasn’t the fault of the organisation – she was just not a good fit.

Oh “the power of vision,” I proclaimed then added that it takes courage to have a vision, yet once you do it sure helps you be clear about whether you’re on the right path for you!  No more “black soot” for this woman – she’s off to Earth and moonexplore the possibilities of a portfolio career having thanked me for the clarity she got from AnD’s Vision Coaching process.

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