We coach leaders.

Titillate your senses at a Learning Retreat

images-1A pre-Christmas Learning Retreat client said her stay at Byrongerry left her with a multitude of sensory memories.images

She wrote in the Cloud House guest book about the sounds of palm nuts dropping, whip birds whipping, cat birds screeching, parrots squawking and kookaburras laughing.  As well as the sounds of Ruby the dog’s barking, Dorothy the cat’s tinkling collar bells and the water pump “paying homage to the great god of water.”

images-4Her sense of sight was stimulated by the vista of trees, palms, hills, valleys – “verde, verde everywhere!”  And her sense of touch by the massage she enjoyed.

She wrote of the fragrances of “giant gardenias, frangipanis on ancient trees and the overwhelming scent of blossom on the mimosas down the road”.images-2

And all this as well as creating her vision for the next ten years of her life with the help of AnD’s Vision Coaching process!

images-5Why don’t you think about treating your senses to a similar experience some time soon?

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