We coach leaders.


Keynote speaking about my book A hell of a lot of glass

“Kate Ramsay is a phenomenal and inspirational speaker who is passionate about changing the landscape of Australian workplaces and diversifying the workforce. In her presentation, Kate shed light on matters existing in current workplaces as well as the consequences and benefits, backed by research, statistics and recounts from interviews. While she acknowledged the challenges women have to navigate, her optimism was highly visible and contagious, making us believe it is possible to achieve a more equal workplace.”

Dr Emily Yap

Research Fellow

School of MMMB/Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Wollongong University

Leadership Coaching

“My leadership coaching sessions provided me with a powerful external frame of reference to work through issues, and a sense check on strategic challenges being faced by the business.  On reflection my contract of sessions with Kate Ramsay have seen me (and the business) thrive, and my self-confidence as a leader firm.”

Paul Nicolarakis MBBS BSc (Hons)

Formerly CEO – Lorica Health P/L



“I sought leadership coaching from Kate Ramsay for over twenty years. Kate’s one on one sessions in a safe, supportive environment have been a strong influence in helping me develop my own unique leadership style. The practical questions Kate asked focused my thinking and I appreciated being able to reflect on my whole of life issues as well as my business challenges. I left each session feeling energised and clear about the way ahead.”

Cathy Doyle
Formerly VP and Chief People Officer

McDonalds Australia



“My coaching sessions ensured I took time out to reflect objectively on my leadership style. This in turn enabled me to identify and work on my development needs.”

Mark Powell

Formerly National Sales Director

Lion Australia



Vision Coaching

“I first met with an AnD Vision Coach in 1994 when I was in a middle management role with Coca-Cola Amatil. What I realized from the visioning process was that I had been focused on getting to where I was, but hadn’t said to myself “How far can I go?”

When in 2000 I was appointed Executive General Manager, HR for Pacific Dunlop, a business with $6bn. in sales, a profit of $200m and about 37,000 employees globally, this was indeed the HUGE role in a very large organisation that I once would not have dared stretch for.

This is what is possible, this is the power of vision!”

Mary Keely
Formerly Executive Director, HR

Pacific Brands


Vision Coaching at a Learning Retreat

“Cloud House at Byrongerry was a perfect place for my busy mind to settle and focus. Of course it is beautiful. That is a given. Although the intimacy of the living world, both plant and animal, unsettled this suburban dweller. However I found that by removing myself from my usual space I was able to develop my vision with a much keener eye.


Including a Learning Retreat as part of my journey highlighted to me the importance of retreat as a clearing house for my mind and body. Forget float tanks or hot air balloons. Creating your vision during a Learning Retreat in Cloud House offers a unique experience amongst the tree canopy.”


Josephine Maxwell

Formerly Director of Employment Law Asia Pacific


Coach the Coach in Leadership Coaching

“Coach the Coach in Leadership Coaching was invaluable to me in getting started as a professional coach. The depth and breadth of the program and the guidance received gave me the opportunity to learn and grow as well as to integrate my past experiences in business and psychology. I learned a lot more than coaching skills, I learned about myself, a key ingredient in becoming an effective coach.”

Genevieve Vignes
Aria Consulting


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