We coach leaders.

The power of an and/both way of viewing the world

I’ve recently experienced a first for me – I’ve had the privilege of providing a Vision Coaching session for three generations of a family: a mother, her son, his wife, their adult daughter and her partner.  The mother/grandmother and the adult daughter and her partner live in Canada.  The son/husband is Canadian and lives with his Australian wife in Australia where the session took place. This couple met in Canada, married in Australia and then lived in Canada for ten years.  For the past ten years they have been living, together with their three younger daughters, in Australia.  At this coaching session they articulated a five year vision of living a two hemisphere life in Canada and Australia.Australia2

To help them resolve what was feeling like a geographical impossibility I showed them a Dilemma Resolution model. This model suggests that with a clear vision of the future. we can let go of our western conditioning and embrace an and/both (yin/yang) way of being in the world.

The shift in mindset that this enabled around the coaching table led to some creative planning on how the Australian based members of this three generational family can make their  vision a reality and live in both Canada and Australia over the next decade.

CanadaPostscript: This is a family of talented entrepreneurs who already share business interests in both the northern and southern hemispheres (see wwwbushmarketing.com) so, in my view, the sky’s the limit for them once they turn their and/both plans into reality!

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