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Posts Tagged ‘The Tao of Leadership’

Leadership Coaching Byron Bay style

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

imagesYesterday my neighbour Charlie hosted the Monday morning Spin Cycle program on Bay FM – our community radio station here in Byron Bay.  His topic for the morning was leadership and he interviewed me about my work as a Leadership Coach.  We kept the topic pretty light – January being holiday and beach time around here.

I quoted a piece from the Tao that says When the best leader’s work is done the people say: “We did it ourselves!”  Then I told Charlie, and hopefully a few listeners, that I support my clients to be the best they can be; and with those who lead a team, we explore how they might lead in ways that mean their team says, “We did it ourselves”.

Do you agree with the Tao, and me, about this being a measure of an effective leader?


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