We coach leaders.

Overcoming existential angst

main-qimg-a24440772e58fbeecedd2b66851f044aMy sister saved me an article from a recent edition of Sydney University’s Alumni Magazine. In the On My Mind section Psychologist Emily Scanlan (cbdpsychologyandwellbeing.com.au) wrote that 10 percent of her clients fall outside the standard treatment models. She calls them ‘existential clients’. They present with depression and state they want to either find meaning in their life or give up altogether.  Scanlan finds that these clients are helped by philosophy-based questions around meaning and purpose.


Scanlan believes that we humans can create our own meaning through our relationships, our spirituality, our work and even by connecting with the Earth by gardening or walking in nature. She offers her existential clients support as they work – struggle even – towards greater meaning in their lives:


AnD-leadership-coaching clients present with leadership challenges not depression.  However I have used Scanlan’s approach with her existential clients as a therapist in this blog because, embedded in the AnD approach to coaching is a belief that to be an effective leader (and human being), people need to spend time reflecting on their sense of meaning and purpose.


In fact the third step in the AnD-learning-map is an invitation for clients to articulate and write down their whole of life vision. We also encourage them to clarify their core values and the behaviours supporting these, to ensure that they are living their life in ways that are congruent with their values.


If you’d like some help to clarify your vision and values contact Kate on 0418 164 260 or at [email protected].


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