We coach leaders.

# 6 Oh – the Power of Vision!

In this blog I’m writing about one of my favourite topics yet again – how important a vision is to keep our lives on track through thick and thin.  Here’s a story I wrote in my latest newsletter that is worth repeating here:

One of my longest-term clients meets with me twice a year to review her vision.  When we met for her Vision Coaching session in early October she was in a tough place both personally and professionally and I commented on how calm she seemed, to which she said, “Kate, my vision guides me every day to do what needs to be done and not worry about what can wait”.  Oh the power of vision, we both agreed!

So what is a vision?

I sometimes use the analogy that a vision is the rudder that keeps us on track as we manoevre our way through the whirl pool called life.  It is the essence of how we want our world to be.  We also need a purpose to give us the focus for our vision, and goals to get us there.  And I believe it’s really important to write our vision down.

Have you got a vision that steers you through your life?

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