We coach leaders.

# 4 High Tech and High Touch

As my regular readers already know I’m committed to an and/both way of being and doing – even my business is called AnD Consulting!

Actual and Online Networking

This blog tells the and/both story of how a combination of human and online networking provided 2 new clients for my business.

Earlier this year I was walking along the beach with Jenny Vulcan a friend and colleague who does wonderful leadership development work.  She told me she was talking to a woman called Kate James about a possible collaboration. To which I exclaimed “I know about her – I get her Monday morning message each week!”  On the following Monday when her message for the week landed in my mailbox I emailed Kate Wood and told her about my ‘six degrees of separation’ experience with Jenny Vulcan.  Kate rang me and we had an excellent telephone conversation – she in Melbourne and me inland from Byron Bay – during which we discovered we shared much in common.

Blogging works!

Later that day Kate wrote a blog about our connection and kindly included a link to my website.  A week or so later I got a call from a client of Kate’s who had read her blog.  She was enquiring about my coaching services and I’m now providing regular Leadership Coaching support to she and her  life and business partner in Brisbane.

Oh the wonders of networking in both a high tech and high touch environment: a conversation during a walk on the bench, leading to an email, a telephone conversation, a blog, another telephone conversation and now a new face to face coaching client!

What are your experiences of High Tech and High Touch?

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