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# 13 News for Intelligent Optimists

My blog today is a deviation from my usual ones about leadership and learning.  It’s a good news story about an online service called Odewire that searches media sources world wide and tells only the positive stories.  What a change from most print and online media that tell us all about the doom and gloom in the world – be that natural disasters, economic crashes or an outbreak of violence somewhere in the world.

Today’s lead story tells us that “Residents of Patna India will soon be able to buy organic fruits and vegetables from their nearest milk parlor” then there’s a link to more of the story.

Within the Odewire site are links to the topics of:

Business, Energy, Food, Health, Technology and Life.

I’ve taken to reading a good news story from Odewire as I munch my breakfast.

Are you an Intelligent Optimist?  If so take a look for yourself at www.odewire.com.  (I wish I could make the link for you but my WordPress software is misbehaving.)

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