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Masterpieces, Queues and Learning

images-2I went, I saw and I enjoyed – the Masterpieces from Paris exhibition at the Australian National Gallery.  But at times it was 4 deep with other people as I looked at a picture and I found myself wishing I could have been there on my own or with a dozen or so others instead of several hundred others.

Well over a hundred thousand people (or is it 2 by now?) have already seen the exhibition, some of whom queued for up to 3 and 4 hours.  The closing date has been extended by a couple of weeks so more can come, queue and see.

Why do we do it, I find myself wondering?  Why did I make the pilgrimage toimages-3 Canberra?  What is it about these paintings that are drawing such crowds from all over Australia?   I read of one woman who was so tired from standing in the queue that she barely had the energy to enjoy the paintings.  Is it that we humans are replenished by being amongst great works and beautiful things?

I can only speak for myself.  What I learned from being amongst the paintings at this exhibition for a couple of hours was that being in the presence of these stunningly beautiful things, lifted my spirits and reminded me to never settle for second best.

imagesVan Gogh only sold one painting in his short life yet he didn’t compromise on the quality of his work – which meant that  we who chose to go, queue and see were able to gaze in wonder at his now priceless paintings.


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