We coach leaders.

AnD’s Philosophy about Leadership and Leaders

Leaders live with purpose, are committed to ongoing learning and inspire and empower others. They communicate a compelling vision of the future and have the courage to live in ways consistent with their vision and values. They ‘walk their talk’. Leaders are technically competent and manage their emotions well. They embrace diversity and challenge the status quo.


Leaders are entrepreneurs. They think outside the square in order to keep delighting their current customers, and to grow into new markets if they so desire. They ‘fix things before they are broken’ by looking ahead and innovating in anticipation of changed conditions, knowing this will involve down time as they and their team adapt, before the benefits are realized.


Leaders are learners. They reflect on past and current experiences for new insights (analysis) and experiment with new behaviours (innovation). This process, called action learning, often includes the challenging of old beliefs and assumptions and the creating of new ones, appropriate to now.


Leaders understand the value of regular coaching support as they work on not only the knowing and the doing of leadership, but also the art of being an effective leader.


AnD Leadership Consulting is in business to support leaders. We do this through our coaching services of Leadership Coaching and Vision Coaching

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