We coach leaders.

# 8 Being still

I’m sitting at our dining table on the deck, a coffee near at hand, my dog Ruby at my feet and Classic FM playing in the background.

I’ve been working through my ‘to do’ list ticking things off and following others up either by phone or email.

Then – I look up, I listen – there’s dappled sunlight through the pecan trees, the cicadas are ‘singing’ and I’ve just heard a kookaburra claiming its territory.  A quote about Tao leaders comes to mind reminding me that rich insights come when I remember to stop and listen.

Tao leaders

Here’s the quote from page 182 of a book called the The Tao of Inner Peace:

Tao leaders spend their time watching and listening.

In order to see clearly, we must look beyond ourselves.

In order to listen, we must first be still.

The value of taking regular time out

Regular time for reflective practice with a leadership coach is one way to ensure you take time to be.

Have you taken the time to be still and listen today, and where do you go to find stillness?

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