We coach leaders.

Who we are

Kate Ramsay is the Managing Director and lead coach of AnD Leadership Consulting. Kate is supported by associate coaches who are based in Sydney, Melbourne and Northern NSW.


We have held key management positions with major organisations from a wide variety of industries and sectors, and we share a genuine interest in supporting others and a commitment to our own ongoing learning and development.


AnD Leadership Consulting also has an international link through a business partnership with Susanne Schmid of Schmid Consulting and Training. http://www.schmid-training.de

Coach Bios

Lead Coach


Kate Ramsay has had over 30 years and more than 12,000 hours of coaching experience. Kate’s philosophy of coaching is that for each of us our answers lie within ourselves and that the role of the coach is to act as a catalyst to the client’s self insight. Kate supports her clients to not only reflect on the knowing and the doing of leadership, but also on the art of being an effective leader. Kate is the author of A hell of a lot of glass – achieving gender equality in the workplaces of Australia – www.ahellofalotofglass.com.



Associate Coaches

Tina Alexander brings to her role as an executive coach over 20 years corporate, board membership, leadership and finance expertise. She has a unique blend of corporate savvy, strong people development and change management skills, which provides an effective sounding board against which her clients are able to assess their preferred solutions. Tina’s coaching is underpinned by a deep dedication and commitment to seeing her clients succeed. She is passionate about her work and is committed to a high quality service which exceeds expectations.


Lisa Doherty is an experienced executive/leadership coach, facilitator and people development specialist, with a career spanning twenty five years. She has created a successful executive/ leadership coaching practice, supporting many individuals from a variety of backgrounds, from newly appointed leaders to senior partners/executives. Her proven approach enables clients to make transformations in line with their goals and aspirations, by supporting them to gain clarity, insights and solutions.


Susanne Schmid is AnD’s international Associate Coach.  Based in Germany and with 28 years of corporate experience and clients throughout Europe and beyond, Susanne supports, enables and challenges her clients to find their own solutions.  She focuses on accompanying the client in their process in a respectful and goal-oriented, yet light way.  She uses numerous interventions including questioning techniques, changing perspectives and creativity methods in order to help her clients find new ways to cope with their challenges. Susanne is a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation Standards.


Megan Young brings almost 30 years experience working in corporations, small business, not for profit and as a business consultant to her roles as both a Leadership Coach and Vision Coach.  She has been a coach for twelve years and has also taken ‘time out’ to revise her life direction, study and travel.  She understands the challenges we face when we choose to put our vision into practice and enjoys supporting her clients to see themselves, their life direction and next steps more clearly.

  • "My coach gave me a safe space to articulate what is important to me and the areas where I got stuck and offered possible options to ensure an obstacle free course to my desired destination."


    Virginia Johnson
    Business Owner and Entrepreneur (formerly the RTA and Accenture)

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